We'll build it for you

We have experience in building consumer and commercial software applications for numerous industries, including finance, energy, logistics and healthcare.  Our team can utilize the latest cutting-edge techniques, and we also know how to choose "boring technology" when you need to get something out the door quickly and reliably that doesn't require those.  We love learning new technologies and will happily do so if your success requires them, but as mentioned in Our Expertise, we will choose tools that make good business sense for your desired outcome.  

We also offer additional services such as analyzing your existing website to determine how to make it more mobile-friendly or how to improve your current business processes and user experience to reduce friction and improve engagement.  If you were looking for a CMS, we could instead equip you with a static site generator for better performance.  For some clients, we might recommend off-the-shelf form or website tools unless a more customized solution would make enough of a difference to be valuable.   

Web Applications

The flexibility and potential of what can be achieved with web apps is appealing for solving all sorts of business problems.  A web app can be responsive to any size of device, so you may not need a native "mobile app" even if mobile phones are your primary target.   We'll ensure the app looks and performs well on a mobile device because in the 21st century most apps should be mobile-first.  Often we will steer you to high-productivity frameworks such as Ruby on Rails unless there is a business case for another one, and we can guide you through the pros and cons of SPAs versus other front-end options.  

Mobile Applications

Sometimes a native installed mobile app is the most compelling choice.  Our team is experienced in deploying to both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, so if you need a cross-platform solution for both iOS and Android devices then we will usually reach for the Flutter framework.  We'd probably pick it regardless of whether or not you need a cross-platform app since it enables such rapid development!  And we can hook up your mobile app to any back-end, whether on-prem or in the cloud.  

Languages & Frameworks 

In alphabetical order so as not to offend anyone, a few programming languages you might commonly encounter in the wild include C#, Clojure, Dart, Elixir, Go, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Julia, Kotlin, Lisp, PHP, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Swift, and TypeScript.  People have their favorites, but we are open to helping you with any project you already have no matter what language or framework it was originally written in, and will refer you to someone else if we believe they will better serve you.  However, we are polyglot programmers and do enjoy working with a wide variety of tools.  Software developers will get into religious wars about it or try to sell you on one particular tool, but we can explain the relative merits of choosing one over another.  Sometimes it matters, but in many business applications the underlying technologies are not the most important thing; good software design and architecture can make a more lasting impact on your investment no matter what language underpins it.  

And most important of all:  ensuring the solution actually meets your needs by enhancing your business process! 

Shipping a product of good quality should be the priority.