Worldwide Network

If you need help finding experts throughout the USA or internationally, we have contacts on 6 continents. We can even manage projects in multiple countries if the need arises. And if we can't help you, we'll try to put you in touch with someone who can.

Mobile app forest

It’s a Small World

You may not know where to begin your search for the expertise you need, but we probably already know them or know where to find them. We have worked with people in finance from Asia to Europe. Whether you’re looking to partner with a Swiss startup or a Latin American technology company or establishing a footprint in Africa, we’re ready to point you in the right direction.


  • Professionals: We can not only find people with the right skills, we can help you with vetting as well.

  • Boots on the Ground: Come to us if you need trustworthy people to lean on in another country.

  • Partners: Looking for a local company to partner with, or perhaps help in a particular area such as lending or legal matters?

If you have a project idea in mind, let's join forces and collaborate.

Headquarters located in Houston, Texas, USA